Welcome to our practice! Please call or email us if you have any questions or need assistance in any way. We look forward to serving you!
Office Hours:
Monday – Thursday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM by appointment only.
We will be opening the office on Fridays starting on October 1st.
Payment Options:
- All co-pays and deductibles are due at time of check in.
- If you have Medicare and no other insurance, you will be responsible for your Medicare 20% coinsurance at check in.
- We accept payments via cash, personal check, debit cards and all credit cards.
- We accept self pay patients only if you have been formally referred by another physician. We do not accept self referred, self pay patients.
Your first visit:
Upon arrival at our office, you will need to complete several forms to give us your medical history and insurance information and to affirm your agreement to our office policies and privacy practices. This process can be greatly expedited by submitting the forms in advance of your appointment.
Please bring these items to your first visit:
- All previous pertinent medical records including CT scans and MRI reports
- All medications you are currently taking in their original containers
- Summary sheet of medical history, including complicated medical problems
- Insurance card(s)
- Driver’s license or other official picture ID
- Names and contact information of other medical doctors to be informed of your progress
- The following completed forms (optional). You may fill these out online on our website or you may print them, fill them out, and either fax them or bring them with you. Submitting the forms either online or via fax PRIOR to your first appointment will greatly expedite your wait time and will ensure no unwelcome surprises with insurance, incomplete information, etc.
After check-in is complete, either Dr. Rubin or Richard Rhodes, our Nurse Practitioner, will perform a physical exam and discuss your diagnosis, any further testing that may be needed, treatment options, risks, and benefits. Dr. Rubin and Richard typically do NOT write prescriptions for narcotic medications on the first visit.
We value your time so we make every effort to honor your appointment time. However, things that we cannot anticipate sometimes come up that cause delays in the schedule. We will do everything possible to make your wait time minimal and comfortable.
- Appointments can be made via phone, through medical referrals from another physician, or scheduled at the end of each visit
- No walk-ins
- Cancellations require 24-hour advance notice. There is a $25 charge for failing to notify us of a new or follow up appointment cancellation within 24 hours. There is a $50 charge for failing notify us of a procedure cancellation within 24 hours. Repeated no-shows and failure to notify us of cancellations within 24 hours may result in dismissal from the practice.
- Check-in can be expedited and your wait time reduced by submitting the forms from our website prior to your appointment.